The uncertainty of climate, geology and complex surrounding environment brings potential safety hazards to the project.
The installation of existing monitoring equipment and the large number of cables make monitoring difficult.
Traditional monitoring creates data silos, which makes engineering security and city operation and maintenance costly.
It is difficult to process the large amount of monitoring information generated by traditional monitoring methods in digital city.

We, Zenitech has solutions to the problems

Zenitech patented innovative product series has been implemented by a large number of major engineering projects. The "above-and-underground integrated monitoring solution" gives partners the best choice! Products are of high degree of integration, high precision, stable performance, easy installation, maintenance-free, low comprehensive cost, reusable and other significant characteristics. It provides a real digital series of monitoring products and services! Widely used in foundation pits, tunnels, pipe corridors, urban renewal, high-speed rail, subways, bridges, roads, towers, ports, reservoirs, mines, wind power generation, Geological hazards, slopes, tailings ponds, cultural relics protection, historical building protection, dilapidated house monitoring, etc. The large screen wall solution for dynamic real-time display of monitoring data and working conditions is also available.

happy clients

Our clients

There are more than 50 reputable clients, various products implemented in nearly 100 cases


Our experiences

Focus on R&D, operation, deployment, and implementation of engineering construction for 10+ years

successful cases

Our project

More than 200 projects implemented

Reasons to choose us

Advantages of Zenitech

Coopered with well-known academics from Tongji, Southeast and Shangjiao Universities, and with the assistance of a number of large-scale construction enterprises and survey institutes, we have carried out field verification in hundreds of major projects in more than 20 cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Chengdu and Dalian. We have tempered out a series of new concepts of monitoring products and integrated solutions above-and-below ground. Integrated technologies such as satellite positioning GNSS, wireless communication, Internet of Things, sensing, big data and AI have realized deformation monitoring for underground soil more than 100 meters.
After more than ten years of experience accumulated in the field of deformation monitoring, we have obtained dozens of patents, undertaken 3 Shanghai municipal scientific research projects, and won 2 innovation funds. In 2021, we were rated as "Top 50 Start-up Enterprises with the Most Investment Potential in Shanghai". In 2022, we won the second prize of the 2022 SODA Open Data Innovation and Application Competition. In 2022, joint with the Geological Society of China to establish the "Urban Geological Disaster Prevention and Control Technology Innovation Base.
Featured products include: smart pole and series of modular sensors, wireless vibrating wire sensor gateway, wireless strain sensor gateway, wireless inclinometer, wireless road collapse sensor, wireless laser perpendicular instrument, vibration sensor, axial force tilt integrated sensor, etc. Shanghai

Zenitech series products and solutions

Let you truly experience practical, easy-to-use, and durable digital monitoring products and services!


Achieve true digital monitoring, reduce disaster risks, and comprehensively improve the safety factor of projects.


Fully wireless and free of manual maintenance, so that there is no cable pull on the site, and the data generation is not affected by the progress of the project on the job site.


The design concept of high integration and reusability realizes the acquisition of multiple monitoring parameters in one monitoring hole, reducing the cost of drilling and recycling.


High-precision sensor, stable use, regular data collection, real-time monitoring, regular data upload, and immediate alarm when overrun.
