
The smart pole is equipped with a series of modular sensors
The smart pole is equipped with a series of modular sensors

AZ10X series modular sensors, similar in appearance with different basic functions, with the same data communication protocol, installed in the smart measuring rod, mainly used for underground deformation measurement.

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Featured sensors
Featured sensors

Featured sensors include: vibration sensor, tilt axial force one-piece sensor, wireless road collapse monitoring sensor, laser displacement meter, etc.

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Wireless vibrating wire sensor gateway
Wireless vibrating wire sensor gateway

AZ288 series wireless vibrating wire sensor is suitable for all kinds of vibrating wire sensors in the market.

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Wireless strain sensor gateway
Wireless strain sensor gateway

AZ286 series wireless strain sensor gateway is suitable for strain gauge, strain gauge rosette, and full-bridge mV signal sensor.

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Wireless displacement and water level data gateway
Wireless displacement and water level data gateway

AZ280 series wireless displacement and water level data gateway is suitable for water level and inclinometer sensors.

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Wireless laser rangefinder
Wireless laser rangefinder

For the monitoring design of wall type and soil type, it can be quickly and conveniently completed in real time.

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Wireless laser perpendicular instrument
Wireless laser perpendicular instrument

The verticality monitoring design for the vertical installation of large columns can quickly and conveniently measure in real time and quickly complete the vertical adjustment.

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Wireless Inclinometer
Wireless inclinometer

AZ308 series wireless inclinometer is suitable for tilt, impact and crack monitoring of buildings/bridges/walls.

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Vibrating wire sensors
Vibrating wire sensors

Vibrating wire sensors include: rebar gauge, strain gauge, reaction force gauge, anchor cable gauge, earth pressure gauge, piezometer.

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Strain gauge transducers
Strain gauge transducers

Strain sensors include: surface strain sensors, concrete embedded strain sensors, displacement sensors, column load cells, bolt axial force gauges, hexagonal force measuring bolts, strain gauge earth pressure sensors, double membrane earth pressure sensors, pore water pressure gauges.

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High-precision satellite positioning equipment
High-precision satellite positioning equipment

High-precision GNSS receiver, suitable for various high-precision RTK positioning application scenarios.

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Monitoring data services
Monitoring data services

The deformation monitoring cloud platform system has the ability to support the docking and information sharing of relevant professional and collaborative departments and other relevant units.

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Other Accessories
Other Accessories

4G data communication services, terminal boxes, solar power systems.

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